Thursday, January 8, 2009

Prior to Departure

So I have created this blog as a means of relaying my experiences abroad to you my friends, and family. I have all of three weeks to prepare for my departure and I have yet to get my Long Stay Visa from the French Consulate in Chicago. I am being honest when I say I greet this opportunity both with trepidation and eagerness. I am beset by a fear of the unknown and yet encouraged by my love for the country, its culture, and its people. As many of you know, this trip could not have come at a better (or worse, depending on how you frame it) time in my life. As I continue to cope and grow from what life has thrown at me I look forward to what lies ahead rather than mourn what has passed. God has an odd way of showing you what is important in life. Taking a 4,000 mile trip away from everything ought to help as I attempt to gain a better understanding of where life has me headed. For now, I am enjoying precious time with friends and the extra month of break. I will continue to post as the days count down to my departure and will then keep you all updated as frequently as possible via this blog. Thank you for the continued support. Check back soon!


  1. I am extremely proud of you Brandon. This is going to be a fantastic opportunity and you are in my thoughts and prayers all of the time. You are going to grow immensely with this experience and you are going to leave France a better place I have no doubt. You will make new friends and they will love you like your friends and family do here. This "timing" is perfect because you are perhaps even more open than ever to learn, experience, love, and just have some plain ol' fun too! Go for it Brandon! Love you, Uncle Steve

  2. Thanks Steve. You know more than anyone what I've been going through. I'm really looking forward to all the new things I'll be lucky to experience. Hopefully this will help mend the wound a little. Who knows! love you!

  3. What an amazing son and brother I have! I'm proud of you both and grateful you're in my life! Much love!



Beautiful Reflection